Saturday, May 14, 2011

Yes, It's Been Awhile

So, what have I been up to the last 2 years that kept me from blogging?



We got another new puppy, Xabrina the Saint Bernard, Rowdy's niece. Training her, and showing all three of them has kept us busy.

Playing World of Warcraft.

Losing 120 lbs and gaining 80 back :(

Getting back on track, and starting to lose those 80 lbs, plus about 40 more, hopefully. But I'm not in a hurry anymore, and that's a whole 'nother blog...

Right now we are working on the inside of the house. 4 puppies, Magic (the dead puppy) Rowdy, Sammi and Xabrina in 5 years have taken a toll on the inside of our house, along with the usual wear and tear.

So, we just got a new roof. We are going to be re-painting our ceilings, painting the walls and re-doing a lot of the wall trim this summer. Along with trying to keep the yard decent and the dogs trained and picked up.

Hopefully I can get back to blogging on a regular basis. Even if nobody sees it, it's fun, and it's a great creative outlet.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Woah, HOW long has it been?



So, what's been going on?

Got another new puppy last Christmastime. Sammi aka Harmony House Lady Samantha. Kind of in honor of Ken's mom, "Hold, it, Sam!" and also for the Elton John song. Which only a true fan would know.

We are showing both Rowdy, and Sammi. Rowdy is being shown by our breeder, Stan Zielinsky. I have known the Zelinsky's since I was about...ten or so. Back when my dad was showing Gypsy, and my parents were involved with the Saint Bernard Club. I have a vague memory of my mom being secretary????? Maybe not, LOL.

Sammi and Rowdy also both got obedience titles in Rally Novice. We are taking a little vacation from obedience while we are showing in conformation, but Mr. Bucket (Rowdy) and SamIAm need some long line work (don't think "come" means "run away faster") and work on long sit-stays and down-stays. Eventually I hope to title them both in Rally Excellent, and get the advanced CD's for them.

Haven't been writing much. No time.

Haven't been playing World of Warcraft much. Also, no time.

Still doing my tarot-deck-a-day project. New finish date is sometime in 2011, but I think this one will stick. I am not buying as many decks.

Both Ken's niece and nephew are getting married next year - it's going to be really fun. Especially if they can make peace with each other. Life is TOO SHORT to get upset about things that don't really matter in the long run. My thought is, in 20 years, what are you REALLY going to feel bad about?

Bought a motor home. I used to sneer at them when we were young and tent camping. But, it will come in really handy when we are going to far-away dog shows. No more worrying about if a hotel takes dogs, or leaving the dogs outside.

What else....who knows.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Not Exactly Weekly

I had planned to return to my weekly blog at least, and start slowly getting my other blogs caught up.

Life and Death got in the way.

My mother-in-law passed away in August. It wasn't exactly expected, so that made things very difficult. It wasn't completely unexpected, either. She'd been getting worse for a long time, slowly.

The Saint and I are very close to his parents, both in location and emotionally. You don't realize how it gets when someone is ill. The family revolves around the needs and the condition of one person. Almost everything becomes secondary.

It's hardest for the primary caregivers to remember they need time for themselves, too.

My mother-in-law was a very special person, and I'm glad to have known her.

Life is starting to get back to normal. Fall is coming.
Life goes on.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

What's New?

Since I haven't been posting regularly, I am not going to do my usual formula thing.

We've been busy. Let's see - got a new Jeep Liberty. Traded in the old Jeep (which we loved) for a new Jeep. Same color, even, which is kind of sad. But, oh well. It has a navigation system, and Sirius radio which we both like and will keep after the year trial is up for sure.

Got both a PS3 that plays all the PS games, and then got a Wii. I have been playing WoW, but not as much as I'd like. Which has been annoying.
Went to a dog show which was fun. We are hoping to take Rowdy to one in June, but he needs some work before we can show him.

I've been writing a tiny tad. Real writing, not blogging or writing for work. Also still doing my deck-a-week tarot exercise with all my decks. 248 decks, of which 33 are majors only. I will be doing this until at least 2010. Which seems like quite a project, but it's a fun one for me.

Hoping for a good positive six weeks ahead.

Saturday, April 05, 2008

April 5,228

So, where have I been for the past 9 months?



All kinds of things.

So - what's been going on with me?

After we got back from our anniversary weekend we got busy. I just kind of lost track of doing my blogs - all my blogs. I think loosing so many of my Friday's off made it more difficult to fit blogging into my life, so I stopped for awhile. I am going to try and write more regularly again.
I have been writing in my paper journal, every day.
Hmmmm, well, we have a new puppy, Rowdy, who we got in December. He was sick at first, so that was worrisome.
So far this year we have both been sick. It's been not a great start to the year. A loss of a family friend hit everyone pretty hard, as he was a young man with a baby who was truly in the wrong place at the wrong time. (He was hit by the trailer of an out-of-control truck, on the wrong side of the road.)

TS and I are working on our house this year, if we can ever get the energy to start working on projects.

Here are a few of the projects we have for this year;
Fixing the water leak outside. It's near the shut-off. It involves digging a deep hole in mud. Doesn't that sound fun?
New flooring in the utility room and master bathroom.
Getting rid of the antique piano and exercise bike. Hauling to the dump.
Hanging the picture I got from Toni last July. One got hung right away, the other one needs different matting to work, and it hasn't happened yet.
Fixing the leak on the roof.
De-junking the house. I still have the master bedroom, Living Room, dining room, Kitchen, rec room, Ken's and my rooms and the Utility room left.
New Back door. Which means new dog door, too.
New Front door.
Fencing the yard. Now there is a project.
Under the counter box for meds, and shelf for electronic device charging.
Shelves for the bedroom. To replace the ones with Magical chew marks on the corners.
8 fake plants in the master bath. Because they don't ruin the shelves like real ones do.
Oak trim around walls.
Oak trim around windows.
Oak trim around doors.
Paint the ceilings.

The other projects - the sliding door that leads to a new porch by the hot tub, new kitchen cabinets, and new floors in the back bedrooms, can wait awhile. But who knows, maybe we will get a burst of energy, and it will all be good......

Hopefully I will get back to my weekly posting soon. I enjoyed it.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Make it Week(s) in Review

Since I wrote two weeks ago, it's been busy on one hand, quiet on the other.

The last two weeks I was totally into -
Our time off for our 25th Anniversary. We went to Lincoln City, and it was very lovely, even though the weather was cool and overcast. We slept in, read, walked on the beach and enjoyed each others company. We even saw live music! The following weekend was the release of Harry Potter's finally installment, and I worked the weekend. It was fun - there were a few kids in costume, and I wore my wizard's hat with the dragon. Aside from that, it was all cleaning, and the same-old, same-old thing.

Last week I was avoiding -
I avoided eating well, which wasn't really my plan, and now I'm avoiding exercise for the next three days too. My hope is by giving my ankles a rest, they will heal up and mellow out for next week, when I plan on getting back on track.

What else is on my mind -
Child killers and molesters. How they should be castrated, or fried. Animal abusers - how they should have to serve time in jail. The war in Iraq, the idiots in the White House, and other random things. I try to stay positive, but all the crime and hatred in the world makes me sad sometimes.

The week ahead -
This weekend is an R&R weekend. I have a few chores to do today - spraying weeds (done) 10 things per room (done except the rec room, which will be done after I finish blogging) and picking up the cut down shrubbery outside (also done after I finish my other blogging). I might wash the sheets. Then I have nothing to do this weekend but...nothing. I will not clean - except for the 10/room - which is more picking up than cleaning. I will not do laundry. I will not do anything but float in the hot tub, drink various combinations of juice and alcohol, float in the hot tub, play Wow, and finish Harry Potter. Next week, I will clean again.

Accomplishments -
I got paintings from Tony Yuly.

Weekly gift -
Anniversary present was a cute shirt that said "fabulous" on it, and my Newwave tarot cards.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Really, Really Hot

This week I was totally into...
Getting ready for our trip. I cleaned, I scrubbed, I planned. I didn't get too crazy. Our air conditioners, because it was so hot. I don't like it hot at night anymore. I am a wimp.

This week I was avoiding...
Thinking about Magic. It made me too sad. I was in a sad mood all week. Also, I seemed to be avoiding getting enough sleep - because I certainly didn't.

What else is on my mind...
Our trip to the ocean. Taking pictures. Packing. Being off work next week for a few days. Thunderstorms.

The week ahead....
Time off. Hope it will be good. Worrying about the dog being alone, even though he'll be checked on, played with, treated, petted and fussed over twice a day, every day we are gone.

Transferred pictures onto my computer. Got the house clean. Managed to do everything I wanted to do, not be late for work, not piss TS off, and not go crazy.

Weekly Gift....
Cool hoodie that I wanted, and TS tracked them down in my size, and bought me two of them. Because he is who he is.